We welcome you to become a member of the Central Florida Figure Skating Club (CFFSC)
To sign up for membership, visit our online Membership and Test Registration Site on Entryeeze. Membership registration and renewal is now fully automated! There are different membership categories to meet the needs of all members.
Registration for the 2024-25 membership year is now OPEN!
USFS Membership

Your membership to the Central Florida FSC comes with a membership to U.S. Figure Skating.
Members of the organization have the ability to do the following:
- Test at U.S. Figure Skating-sponsored test sessions
- Compete at U.S. Figure Skating-sanctioned events
- Participate in U.S. Figure Skating qualifying events
- Represent your club at regional, sectional and national events
- Participate in all sanctioned events events
Members also receive the following benefits:
- Certificates of accomplishment for passing proficiency tests and placing at U.S. Figure Skating qualifying events (athletes)
- Subscription to SKATING magazine
- Individually numbered membership card
- Coverage under U.S. Figure Skating’s sports accident insurance policy
- Special offers and discounts from U.S. Figure Skating corporate partners
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